So, now for the weekend update! Things are going well! After receiving a few varying questions on the day to day life I will talk a bit on the daily routine. I have really been enjoying a newfound passion in cycling about the area. It is a really nice way to explore and discover some of the less known and hidden gems of the Akita area. Drivers here are very courteous to cyclists and bikes in general. Many roadways actually have designated sidewalks for bike traffic, and many of the country and mountain roads in the area are paved. It has been quite an adjustment learning to look the opposite way for traffic! I always have to take a bit longer than the locals when making right hand turns or crossing the street. I also recently saw a カモシカ pronounced ka-mo-shi-ka, while I was returning from a bike ride, I included a picture from the internet since I was not able to take one myself. It is a native species to the area and when I first saw it, not knowing what it was, I decided to get off the bike and wait until the path was clear.
I have also been working out routinely. The gym here is quite small, but they have kettle bells (similar to a cannon ball with a handle on it) which are a great way to get a good workout and I am very happy to see them, as I learned to use them at Bonneville. The school is actually about 20 minutes away from 秋田Akita City by bus and train, so many times students head there on the weekends. This past weekend I went with a group of friends to try the very popular activity known as Karaoke. I don't think I will become a professional singer anytime soon, but it certainly was fun! I have also enjoyed trips to the grocery store, looking at the variety of different snacks and fish they have here is very interesting.
During the week I am quite busy with homework and studies. Thus, I have become very familiar with the library. I have Japanese vocabulary tests everyday, so each night I have upwards of 40 new words and kanji to learn, this is good though because I am able to practice often. Classes are difficult but the quality of the faculty and class size is excellent and I am up for the challenge! I also keep a notebook with me at all times so that when I hear a new phrase or word from my friends I can write it down. I often make my roommate and friends laugh by making funny sentences, such as 割引券を忘れちゃった!wa-ri-bi-ki-ken o wa-su-re-cha-tta. "I forgot my discount coupon why!".
Recently it has been raining quite a bit, and it seems that another typhoon may be approaching. All is well here though. The fall is fast approaching and the leaves will soon be changing, I am looking forward to the changing colors!
Below are a few pictures from the past few weeks. The karate pose picture is from a walk I took around the area with my friends. The one of the big group is from a potluck that was held over the weekend. The animal in the snow is a Kamoshika. The last one is one of my roommate Yota.